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Showing posts from August, 2017

Parallelization In MOOSE

Hello reader! I am Micky and I am going to describe in detail about what I have explored and done towards the parallelization of MOOSE Solvers, primarily "KSOLVE". This document will contain things that I learned about MOOSE, scope of parallelization in MOOSE, the challenges to achieve it, what I explored(in full detail, containing the codes also), and the parallelized solver. ABOUT MOOSE Here I am gonna tell you about the code that was written as a test script to check whether we got speed up or not. The code snippets are taken from the following:- The neuron is divided into man voxels (compartments) and the reactions/computations take place in the voxels. There are many voxels and a lot of reactant species in each voxel. Diffusion of species can occur in between the voxels also. So, for creating voxels, we need to make a bigger compartment which will be subdivided into smaller compartme